
2019 Quarter 3 Stats

Quarter 3 of 2019 is gone and we’re tearing into the final stretch of the year. Time flies! This will be a long post with a lot of quantity number breakdowns, including full lists of every mold that I sold.

I’m not a large shop like Infinite. They carry more inventory at any given time than my total yearly sales. I do average around a thousand discs per month, so it’s a decent market view, I feel.

Companies that I carried in 2019 are as follows: MVP, Axiom, Streamline, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside, Discmania, Innova, Discraft, Prodigy, Kastaplast, RPM, Mint Discs.

For Quarter 3, I shipped to 42 states and 5 different countries. Only about 35% of my sales comes from in-store sales, so the numbers aren’t too localized.


I categorized anything speed 10 and above as a distance driver, based on each company’s numbers. Of course there will be border line discs that don’t use the four number flight system, but this is the way that I did it.

The list, in order of the most quantity sold:

1 Discmania DD3
2 Discraft Zeus
3 Innova Destroyer
4 Dynamic Discs Raider
5 Axiom Wrath
6 MVP Photon
7 Innova Shryke
8 Discraft Force
9 Axiom Mayhem
10 Latitude 64 Ballista
11 Innova Boss
12 Discraft Nuke
13 Innova Wraith
14 Innova Beast
15 Discraft Crank
16 Innova Mamba
17 MVP Relativity
18 Streamline Trace
19 Dynamic Discs Trespass
20 Discmania Enigma
21 MVP Wave
22 Axiom Fireball
23 Westside King
24 Dynamic Discs Sheriff
25 Latitude 64 Ballista Pro
26 RPM Kahu
27 Westside Queen
28 Westside Sorcerer
29 Innova Tern
30 Dynamic Discs Captain
31 Innova Daedalus
32 Westside Destiny
33 Latitude 64 Havoc
34 Innova Ape
35 Discraft Avenger SS
36 Latitude 64 Bolt
37 MVP Catalyst
38 Innova Colossus
39 Latitude 64 Culverin
40 RPM Kiwi
41 Westside World
42 Prodigy D1
43 Prodigy D3 Max
44 Discmania DD2
45 Dynamic Discs Defender

46 MVP Dimension
47 Kastaplast GrymX
48 Innova Katana
49 MVP Orbital
50 Innova Orc
51 Discmania PD
52 Westside Sword
53 Discraft Thrasher
54 Westside Boatman
55 Innova Corvette
56 Prodigy D1 Max
57 Prodigy D2 Max
58 Axiom Delirium
59 Innova Dominator
60 Latitude 64 Flow
61 Kastaplast Grym
62 Prodigy H2V2
63 MVP Limit
64 Discraft Machete
65 MVP Motion
66 Discraft Nuke OS
67 Discraft Nuke SS
68 Dynamic Discs Renegade
69 Axiom Vanish
70 Innova Archon
71 Discraft Crank SS
72 Prodigy D4
73 Axiom Defy
74 Westside Giant
75 Prodigy H4 V2
76 MVP Impulse
77 Innova Mystere
78 Latitude 64 Scythe
79 Discmania Sea Serpent
80 Innova Starfire
81 Axiom Tantrum
82 MVP Teleport
83 Axiom Tenacity
84 Axiom Thrill
85 Latitude 64 Virus
86 Westside Catapult
87 Dynamic Discs Criminal
88 Latitude 64 Cutlass
89 Discmania DDX
90 Dynamic Discs Enforcer

91 Discraft Flick
92 Westside Fortress
93 Dynamic Discs Freedom
94 Prodigy H1 V2
95 latitude 64 Knight
96 Innova Krait
97 Westside Northman
98 MVP Octane
99 Kastaplast Rask
100 Latitude 64 Recoil
101 Innova Savant
102 Latitude 64 Stiletto
103 Discmania TD
104 Innova Vulcan
105 Innova Wahoo
106 Latitude 64 Blitz
107 Prodigy D2
108 Prodigy D6
109 Discmania DD
110 Axiom Excite
111 Latitude 64 Falchion
112 Innova Firestorm
113 Prodigy H3 V2
114 Latitude 64 Halo
115 Latitude 64 Missilen
116 MVP Nitro
117 Axiom Panic
118 Discraft Punisher
119 Latitude 64 Raketen
120 Latitude 64 Riot
121 Innova Teedevil
122 Westside War Horse
123 Prodigy X2
124 Prodigy X3
125 Innova XCaliber
ZERO Prodigy D3
ZERO Latitude 64 Gladiator
ZERO Innova Monarch
ZERO Discmania PD2
ZERO Discmania PDX
ZERO Prodigy X4
ZERO Prodigy X5


The Discmania DD3 absolutely dominated the quarter due to large releases of the Cloud Breaker. The Discraft Zeus (formerly the Kong) got knocked down to number 2, but would easily be number one without the Cloud Breaker. The rest of the field is fairly common. Lots of minor shuffling around from quarter to quarter.


Blue Bars are percentage of distance drivers sold per company in Q2. Red dots are the percentage of molds I offered per company. If the percentage of molds is higher than the percentage of sales, then there could be issues with sales of some molds.

As you can see, Innova commanded almost a quarter of all of our distance driver sales again. That is pretty much expected as they offer almost 20% of the overall distance drivers that we carry. Latitude, Prodigy, and Westside have way too much stuff sitting on the shelf not selling, which has been a common theme this year.


Fairway Drivers

The list, in order of the most quantity sold:

1 Discraft Anax
2 Latitude 64 River
3 Innova Sidewinder
4 Latitude 64 Explorer
5 Innova Teebird
6 Innova Valkyrie
7 Axiom Crave
8 Innova Roadrunner
9 Latitude 64 Diamond
10 Dynamic Discs Escape
11 MVP Inertia
12 Axiom Insanity
13 Innova Leopard3
14 Innova Teebird3
15 MVP Volt
16 Discraft Heat
17 MVP Tesla
18 Innova Thunderbird
19 Innova Eagle
20 RPM Huia
21 Innova Leopard
22 Streamline Lift
23 Discraft Undertaker
24 MVP Amp
25 Discmania FD
26 Discmania FD3
27 Dynamic Discs Felon
28 Westside Hatchet
29 Innova TL3
30 Dynamic Discs Breakout
31 Dynamic Discs Getaway

32 Westside Underworld
33 Discraft Raptor
34 Westside Stag
35 Dynamic Discs Convict
36 Innova Firebird
37 Discraft Mantis
38 Dynamic Discs Maverick
39 MVP Relay
40 Mint Alpha
41 Discmania CD2
42 Axiom Clash
43 Westside Seer
44 Dynamic Discs Thief
45 Westside Ahti
46 Innova Banshee
47 Innova Cheetah
48 Latitude 64 Fury
49 Axiom Inspire
50 Latitude 64 Maul
51 Discraft Predator
52 Latitude 64 Saint
53 Latitude 64 Saint Pro
54 MVP Servo
55 Kastaplast Stal
56 Discraft Sting
57 Innova TL
58 Discraft Vulture
59 Dynamic Discs Witness
60 Innova Archangel
61 Discraft Cyclone
62 Streamline Drift

63 Prodigy F2
64 Kastaplast Falk
65 Streamline Flare
66 Discmania Instinct
67 Westside Longbowman
68 Latitude 64 River Pro
69 MVP Shock
70 MVP Signal
71 Latitude 64 Spark
72 Discmania Sun Crow
73 Innova Viking
74 Latitude 64 Bryce
75 Discmania CD3
76 Innova Dragon
77 Prodigy F5
78 Prodigy F7
79 Discmania FD2
80 Discmania Fox Spirit
81 Latitude 64 Pioneer
82 Latitude 64 Striker
83 MVP Switch
84 Latitude 64 Vision
85 Latitude 64 XXX
86 Latitude 64 Zion
87 Discraft Zombee
ZERO Discmania CD
ZERO Prodigy F1
ZERO Prodigy F3
ZERO Latitude 64 Musket
ZERO MVP Resistor


The Discraft Anax dominated the fairways this quarter, as expected. The rest are fairly common with the usual minor shuffling from quarter to quarter


Blue Bars are percentage of fairway drivers sold per company in Q2. Red dots are the percentage of molds offered per company. If the percentage of molds is higher than the percentage of sales, then there could be issues with sales of some molds.

As you can see, Innova commanded over a quarter of all of our fairway driver sales in the second quarter. That is pretty much expected as they offer almost 20% of the overall distance drivers that we carry.



The list, in order of the most quantity sold:

1 Discraft Buzzz
2 Discmania Method
3 Innova Mako3
4 Axiom Pyro
5 Dynamic Discs EMac Truth
6 Discraft Comet
7 Discraft Buzzz OS
8 Dynamic Discs Justice
9 Prodigy MX-3
10 Innova Shark
11 Innova Roc
12 MVP Matrix
13 Innova Roc3
14 Westside Tursas
15 Discraft Archer
16 Mint Bobcat
17 Discraft Buzzz SS
18 Latitude 64 Compass
19 MVP Deflector
20 Dynamic Discs Evidence
21 Discraft Meteor
22 Westside Warship
23 Westside Anvil
24 Westside Gatekeeper
25 Innova King Cobra
26 Innova Lion
27 MVP Vector

28 MVP Axis
29 Latitude 64 Claymore
30 Discraft Drone
31 Latitude 64 Fuse
32 Innova Gator
33 Kastaplast Gote
34 Kastaplast Kaxe
35 RPM Kea
36 Discraft Malta
37 Innova Manta
38 RPM Piwakawaka
39 Streamline Runway
40 Innova Stingray
41 Dynamic Discs Suspect
42 Axiom Theory
43 Dynamic Discs Warrant
44 Innova Cobra
45 Discraft Glide
46 Discmania MD3
47 Discmania MD4
48 Discraft Sol
49 Discmania Spring Ox
50 Dynamic Discs Verdict
51 MVP Vertex
52 Discraft Wasp
53 Innova Wolf
54 Prodigy A1

55 Prodigy A2
56 Axiom Alias
57 Latitude 64 Anchor
58 Westside Bard
59 Innova Cro
60 Latitude 64 Fuji
61 Discmania MD2
62 Discmania MD5
63 Latitude 64 Pain
64 Innova Panther
65 Westside Pine
66 Innova RocX3
67 MVP Tangent
68 Dynamic Discs Truth
69 Innova Viper
ZERO Prodigy A4
ZERO Innova Caiman
ZERO Latitude 64 Core
ZERO Discraft Hawk
ZERO Discraft Hornet
ZERO Kastaplast KazeZ
ZERO Latitude 64 Mace
ZERO Innova Skeeter
ZERO Westside Sling
ZERO Innova Spider


The Buzzz remains on the top of the list on big ESP McBeth signature sales, and the Discmania Method had a very solid launch. The Mako3 is always near the top and probably our best selling midrange over the last 4 years. Everything else looks fairly normal. Surprising to me is the new McBeth proto midrange Malta at 36th. Have a big stack and have barely sold any. Had quite a bit of molds on the zero sales list this quarter, but almost all of them have been pretty dead for quite a while.


Blue Bars are percentage of midranges sold per company in Q2. Red dots are the percentage of molds offered per company. If the percentage of molds is higher than the percentage of sales, then there could be issues with sales of some molds.

Discraft killed the midrange sales, especially versus the amount of molds they offer. The McBeth Buzzz was definitely the reason for this. The overall midrange sales for quarter 3 were down quite a bit for some reason.



The list, in order of the most quantity sold:

1 Discraft Luna
2 Streamline Pilot
3 Latitude 64 Pure
4 Innova Aviar
5 Axiom Envy
6 Dynamic Discs Judge
7 Discmania Link
8 Dynamic Discs Deputy
9 Discraft Zone
10 RPM Ruru
11 MVP Ion
12 Mint Profit
13 RPM Tui
14 Kastaplast Berg
15 Westside Harp
16 Dynamic Discs Warden
17 MVP Anode
18 MVP Atom
19 Discmania P2
20 Axiom Proxy
21 Streamline Stabilizer
22 Discraft Challenger
23 MVP Entropy

24 Discraft Roach
25 Dynamic Discs Guard
26 Kastaplast Reko
27 Discraft Magnet
28 Prodigy PA3
29 MVP Particle
30 Innova Rhyno
31 MVP Spin
32 Innova AviarX3
33 Latitude 64 Dagger
34 Innova Dart
35 Dynamic Discs Marshal
36 Latitude 64 Mercy
37 Prodigy PA1
38 Innova Pig
39 Innova Aviar3
40 Latitude 64 Beetle
41 Westside Crown
42 Westside Maiden
43 Discmania P1X
44 Prodigy PA4
45 Discraft Ringer GT
46 Dynamic Discs Slammer

47 Discraft Banger GT
48 Latitude 64 Caltrop
49 Innova Hydra
50 Latitude 64 Keystone
51 Innova Nova
52 Discmania P3X
53 Discraft Rattler
54 Latitude 64 Sarek
55 Westside Shield
56 Latitude 64 Spike
ZERO Innova Birdie
ZERO Innova Bullfrog
ZERO Innova Colt
ZERO Discraft Focus
ZERO Discmania Guardian Lion
ZERO Innova Mirage
ZERO Prodigy PA2
ZERO Innova Polecat
ZERO Innova Rat
ZERO Discraft Ringer
ZERO Innova Stud
ZERO Westside Swan


The putter category was topped by the Discraft Luna due to the limited McBeth 5X CryZtal release. The Streamline Pilot remains near the top with releases in Proton and Eclipse Glow plastics. The Lat64 Pure is at the top only because of the Chameleon anniversary release. Everything else is pretty common.


Blue Bars are percentage of putters sold per company in Q2. Red dots are the percentage of molds offered per company. If the percentage of molds is higher than the percentage of sales, then there could be issues with sales of some molds.

DD killed it in the putter game like usual. The Judge, Deputy, and Warden have been flying off the shelf like they always do. Innova’s putters did not fair well this quarter.


Overall Q3 Sales


Again, Blue Bars are percentage of discs sold per company in Q3. Red dots are the percentage of overall molds offered per company. If the percentage of molds is higher than the percentage of sales, then there could be issues with sales of some molds.

Axiom: Overall Axiom sales are solid. 5% of the molds I offer are Axiom, but they accounted for over 8% of the sales for the quarter.

Discraft: Jumped back up a few percentage points over last quarter. Had the top spot in each mold category. Here’s some nice data for you: Last year Q3, Discraft only accounted for 8.6% of my sales. It is nice to see them STILL holding steady with everything. Bravo to their marketing, and of course the McBeth signing. It is making a difference. Even non McBeth discs are selling decent.

Discmania: Not much has changed in the numbers here over the past couple years. They received a nice bump this quarter due to the Cloud Breaker

Dynamic: Great numbers again for DD. Not much to say other than keep it going!

Innova: Of course at the top. They offer the most molds and are by far our best selling company year over year.

Kastaplast: Decline in sales this quarter is 100% me not refreshing inventory. I’ve been waiting months for a glow restock and it hasn’t come yet. I may have to bite the bullet and do a normal order with what they have available.

Latitude 64: The slide continues in Lat sales. 2017 they accounted for 13% of my sales. 2018 down to 11%. So far in 2019, only 9%. In the last 24 months, 80% of their sales here have come from Ballista, Ballista Pro, Diamond, Explorer, River, Pure. I have put deeeeep discounts on most of the rest of the lineup on the site and they’re still just sitting. I’m not sure what’s going on. You can see the discrepancy between the amount of molds offered vs. actual sales. That chart has looked the same for quite a long time.

Mint Discs: 3 Molds now! Still low on the totem pole but they sell decent.

MVP: A bit lower this quarter, but about the same trend as last year.

Prodigy: They offer a lot of molds that haven’t sold well at all over the past few years. They have been pushing a lot of their updated molds, and that has helped. I’m excited to see how the MX series mids do when they come out because their regular M series has been completely dead here for a long time. I like seeing all of the new molds from them.

RPM Discs: Holding steady. Almost sold as many as Prodigy.

Streamline: Tons of new offerings this year are helping to push them up the charts above Prodigy

Westside: Steady, but seeing gradual decline quarter to quarter

Well, that’s it for Quarter 2 2019. Nothing too crazy in the charts over Q2.

Everything has been super steady here at KWs Disc Golf. I appreciate everyone that stops in or buys online. Thank you!


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